Tag international cooperation
The Central Office of Measures was the organizer of international EMPIR workshops
The two-day (21-22.08) workshop at Central Office of Measures gathered over a dozen representatives of NMI’s - participants of the EMPIR inTense project entitled "Developing research capabilities for traceable intraocular pressure measurement" (16RPT03 inTENSE).
The development of cooperation with Ukraine
Signing of a cooperation agreement between GUM and the All-Ukrainian State Research and Production Center for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumer's Rights Protection.
The General Assembly of EURAMET with the participation of the GUM delegation
13. General Assembly of EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) has started on the day after the symbolic entry into force of the new definitions of units of measurement (May 20th).
Visit of Prof. Alistair Forbes in GUM
On 8th June in GUM we hosted Professor Alistair Forbes, mathematician from National Physical Laboratory (NPL, United Kingdom), world leading National Metrology Institute.
Visit of the GUM representatives in the National Metrology Institute of Turkey
From 24th to 27th September 2017 the Central Office of Measures (GUM) authorities paid a visit to the National Metrology Institute of Turkey TÜBITAK UME.
Visit of the Head of the Ukrainian National Science Centre Institute of Metrology in GUM
In the day of 7 May 2018 GUM was visited by the head of the NSC Institute of Metrology from Kharkov, prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov. The main task of the visit was to sign an agreement of cooperation between our institutions.
Visit of the NMI delegation from Moldova
On April 29th this year at the Central Office of Measures we hosted guests from Moldova.