
Notified Body

Notified Body

Author: Paulina Olszewska
Published by: Adam Żeberkiewicz

► Module D


Notified Body No 1440

The European Commission granted the Central Office of Measures (GUM) the status of anotified body and assigned it number 1440. GUM is the body notified to perform the conformity assessment of measuring instruments in accordance with the following procedures:

  • Directive 2014/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI);
  • Directive 2014/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of measuring instruments (MID).

The above mentioned directives have been transfered to the Polish legislation by the Law on conformity assessment systems and market supervision from 13 April 2016 and by below mentioned regulations:

Directive 2014/31/EU of the European Parliment and of the Councilof 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the MemberStates relating to the making available on the market of non-automatic weighing instruments Directive 2014/32/EU of the European Parliment and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of measuring instruments

Information area of the Central Office of Measures (GUM) - JN 1440 is published on the Internet website NANDO

The Central Office of Measures (GUM) - Notified Body No 1440 - acts in the area of certification in the framework of the conformity assessment system as an independent party in all performed processes holding on the principle of impartiality and applying the same procedures towards all customers.

The Central Office of Measures - Notified Body No 1440 - acts accordingly to the Quality Declarationand Declaration of Impartiality which have been signed by the President of GUM.


II Documents used in the conformity assessment of the measuring instruments


In the process of conformity assessment of the measuring instruments the Central Office of Measures - Notified Body 1440 - uses measures of evaluation, set down in the above mentioned regulations which transfer to the Polish legislation the requirements of the NAWI and MID Directives.

In tests, there are used testing methods, described in the harmonized standards or in the harmonized specifications in the scope of which the manufacturer has declared their use. In the scope of cases, in which the manufacturer has not declared the use of standards or specifications, there are applied criteria taken directly from the applied regulation, defining the basic requirements for the measuring instrument.

The list of the standards, harmonized with the new approach directives, is available on the website of the Polish Committee for Standardization.

On 26 September 2014, the President of the Polish Committee for Standardization published following standards:

  • PN-EN ISO 4064-1:2014-09 Water meters for drinking cold water and hot water - Part I: metrological and technical requirements
  • PN-EN ISO 4064-2:2014-09 Water meters for drinking cold water and hot water - Part II: test methods
  • PN-EN ISO 4064-3:2014-09 Water meters for drinking cold water and hot water - Part III: research report format
  • PN-EN ISO 4064-4:2014-09 water meters for drinking cold water and hot water - Part IV: non-metrological requirements not included in ISO 4064-1
  • PN-EN ISO 4064-5:2014-09 Water meters for drinking cold water and hot water - Part V: installation requirements which have replaced following standards:
  • PN-EN 14154-1+A2:2011 Water meters - Part 1: general requirements
  • PN-EN 14154-2+A2:2011 Water meters - Part 2: installation and operation requirements
  • PN-EN 14154-3+A2:2011 Water meters - Part 3: research methods and equipment.

In October 2014, on the website of the Polish Committee for Standardization, there has been published the communiqué of the President of the Polish Committee for Standardization No 10/2014 from 1 October 2014, affecting the application of the Polish Standards which have been withdrawn as reference documents from the conformity assessment. In this communiqué, which includes the list of the withdrawn Polish standards, which are still valid in the conformity assessment procedures and are defined in the corresponding regulations, there was mentioned the standard PN-EN 14154:2011 (all three parts). According to the present communiqué No 6/2015 of the President of the Polish Committee for Standardization from 1 June 2015 regarding application of the Polish standards withdrawn as the reference documents in the conformity assessment, for the above mentioned standard there has been indicated the date of expiry of validity in the conformity assessment which is 30 June 2017 (page 85 of the communiqué).

Communiqué onchanges to standards in the scope of water meters (MID) from 3 June 2015

The current scope of the harmonization of the OIML normative documents and list of those which relate to the basic requirements, determined by the MID directive, include:

D directive, include:

List of the European Union communications
1. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/269/1 from 4 November 2006 upload PDF 1
2. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/268/1 from 10 November 2009 upload PDF 2
3. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/33/1 from 2 February 2011, pp 1-12 upload PDF 3
4. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/33/1 from 2 February 2011, p 13 upload PDF 4
5. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/109/1 from 16 April 2013, pp 1-4 upload PDF 5
6. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/109/1 from 16 April 2013, p 5 upload PDF 6
7. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/76/1 from 14 March 2014, pp 21-22 upload PDF 7
8. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/76/1 from 14 March 2014, pp 21-22 upload PDF 8
9. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/443/1 from 11 December 2014, p 1 upload PDF 9
10. Commission Communication published in the Official Journal of the European Union, C/443/1 from 11 December 2014, p 6 upload PDF 10
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