NoBoMet is European Platform of Notified Bodies working in Legal Metrology (NoBoMet), consisting of governmental agencies and private commercial organizations. The mission of NoBoMet is to carry out a range of activities, varying from single verification to Type Approval and Quality System Approval. In order to improve mutual confidence between the bodies and countries in conformity assessment the Governmental Authorities, National Accreditation Bodies, OIML and WELMEC have established high level interoperability capabilities with help of mutual agreements. Although these agreements are formally extended beyond conformity assessment, they still remain under governmental control and are nationally oriented in practice which requires a prompt communication platform on topics encountered by Notified Bodies performing conformity assessment on measuring instruments. Therefore another important goal of NoBoMet is establishing of interagency communication to optimize the circumstances and conditions of international cooperation to make this transparent for the manufacturers of measuring instruments for which conformity assessment is regulated. The Central Office of Measures participates actively in the framework of NoBoMet activities.