55th CIML meeting online
On October 20-22 a meeting of the International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML), one of the main working and decision-making bodies of the International Organization of Legal Metrology was held. Because of the COVID 19 pandemic the meeting for the first time was held remotely.
37. meeting of the WELMEC MoU Committee and the first meeting of WELMEC e.V - GUM chairs the group WG10
Two days of work of the European Cooperation in the Field of Legal Metrology and WELMEC e.V - the European Organization in the Field of Legal Metrology. Polish elected as chairman of the WG10 working group for measuring systems for liquids other than water.
Annual Report 2019. Activity of Central Office of Measures and Regional Units
The celebration of the GUM's centenary, the reform of the Regional Units, the entry into force of new definitions of basic SI units and new UE projects are the most important thematic areas of the latest report, made available by GUM.
GUM in the European industrial project in the field of force – 18SIB08 ComTraForce
The Central Office of Measures, as one of 13 Partners of the international consortium, from September 2019 has participated in the European industrial project EMPIR JRC 18SIB08 entitled “Comprehensive traceability of force metrology services” with the acronym of ComTraForce.
The first Polish official translation of the SI Brochure
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the first Polish official translation of the SI Brochure, published by BIPM to promote and explain issues related to the international system of units (SI)
Information on the BIPM website about GUM activities related to COVID-19 pandemic
The BIPM website has an overlap informing about GUM activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
GA EURAMET was held online
On May 25-26 The 14th EURAMET General Assembly was held with the participation of the President of GUM. Due to the prevailing epidemic, the meeting was held online.
Special World Metrology Day 2020
Let's celebrate World Metrology Day 2020 in a responsible way, following national and social principles of safe behavior, helping to find global solutions in the fight against pandemics. The theme for World Metrology Day 2020 is Measurements for global trade.
Central Office of Measures co-founder of WELMEC e.V.!
On November 21st, 2019, the Central Office of Measures (GUM) became one of the founding countries of WELMEC e.V. - a new metrology organization originally based on WELMEC (European Cooperation in Legal Metrology).
Participation of the GUM delegation in the 54th meeting of the International Committee of Legal Metrology in Bratislava
On October 21-25 this year 54th meeting of the International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML) was held in Bratislava with the participation of the Polish delegation.