

The staff members of Central Office of Measures activity in metrology events…

The annual meeting of the Technical Committee of Thermometry TC-T took place at the Portugal National Metrology Institute in Lisbon from 25 to 27 February 2015. The specialized in temperature, humidity and thermophysical quantities measurements European “Thermometry experts” delegated from the National Metrology Institutes and Designated Institutes met together in order to discuss the periodic progress of the TC-T activities, in particular the on-going and planned research projects, international comparisons, the activities of working groups of strategy, best practices, and to review calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC) as well. Furthermore the meeting was attended by the representative of the BIPM, secretary of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM).

In particular, the meeting focused on the research results conducted in the framework of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) and the research planned in the new European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research. Moreover, two workshops took place during the annual meeting. One of them was dedicated to the EMRP Project JRP SIB10 NOTED “Novel techniques for traceable temperature dissemination”. This project is essentially important for GUM because of participation of three GUM’s Laboratory of Temperature researchers working independently on three scientific grants. The project NOTED significantly contributes to the dissemination of the Kelvin temperature unit and the International Temperature Scale. The second workshop focused on project defining in the EMPIR programme and it based mainly on the present experiences of the EMRP and EMPIR participants. In the workshops there were also presented proposals of the participants regarding potential research topics to be carried out within EMPIR call 2015 and the future EMPIR Call 2016.

In the above-mentioned meetings also participated the representatives of the Central Office of Measures Ms Elżbieta Grudniewicz and Mr Rafał Jarosz, heads of the temperature and humidity laboratories from the Physical Chemistry Department.

The laboratory room in the Physical Chemistry Department

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