

The Central Office of Measures at the conference Tempmeko 2016

Published by: Adam Żeberkiewicz

Tempmeko is one of the most important international conferences dedicated to the questions of the temperature measurements in the scientific research and industry.

In Zakopane, from 26th June until 1st July 2016, took place symposium Tempmeko 2016. This is one of the most important international conferences dedicated to the questions of the temperature measurements in the scientific research and industry.

The participants are the representatives of the international scientific society, in particular, the metrology experts, the manufacturers of the measuring instruments, engineers and students dealing with the temperature measurements. During this year conference they discussed, inter alia, the progress in the key areas connected with temperature measurements, i.e. the thermodynamic methods of the temperature measurements, the new set points, the methods of measurement of the thermo-physical properties of materials and thermal measurements in the different areas of industry, medicine, nanotechnology and metrology as well.

The President of the Central Office of Measures (GUM), Dr Włodzimierz Lewandowski, took part in the opening ceremony, but the representatives of the Temperature and Humidity Laboratory from the Physical Chemistry Department of GUM prepared the special presentations for poster sessions:

"The additional relative humidity control system at air temperature below 0°C". Authors: Rafał Jarosz, Martyna Zagożdżon;

"The wire method at the melting point of gold - measurements, reproducibility research and validation". Authors: Marek Kozicki, Stefan Wiśniewski, Barbara Wiśniewska;

"The comparisons of the national standards of temperature in the range from 83K until 273K maintained by GUM and INTiBS". Authors: A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A. Grykałowska, B. Kołodziej, A. Kowal, H. Manuszkiewicz, (INTiBS), E. Grudniewicz, M. Kozicki, A. Wełna (GUM).

During Symposium there were presented several projects in the framework of EMRP and EMPIR programmes:

  • Enhancing manufacturing process efficiency through improved temperature measurements (14IND04 EMPRESS);
  • Implementation of the new Kelvin definition (SIB01 InK);
  • Metrology for Thermal Protection Materials (SIB52 THERMO) which creates framework for thermal conductivity measurements;
  • Metrology for Earth Observation and Climate (ENV53 MetEOC2) - interrelationships between tools, methods and infrastructure in order to make reliable measurements of climate changes.

The TEMPMEKO symposium takes place every three years under auspices of IMEKO - The International Measurement Confederation which groups the nongovernmental metrology organizations from all of the world. This year conference took place thanks to big involvement of the professor Anna Szmyrka-Grzebyk who is representing the organizer from the Polish side - The Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław.

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