

Participation of a GUM representative in the 18th General Assembly of EURAMET

Published by: Adam Żeberkiewicz

On June 4-6 this year the 18th meeting of the EURAMET General Assembly was held at the headquarter of the National Physical Laboratory (London) with the participation of a representative of GUM.

During the meeting, a number of resolutions were adopted regarding the further operation of EURAMET.

The resolutions included the election of new members of the Board of Directors - representatives of PTB (Germany), Norway (Justevernet) and United Kingdom (NPL), as well as the election of the chairperson of the interdisciplinary metrology committee and the chemical metrology committee (Robert Gunn, NPL), Teemu Näykki (MIKES-SYKE). During the meeting, a resolution was adopted supporting Ukraine and recommending refraining from cooperation with Russia and Belarus in the framework of comparisons and other projects implemented in cooperation with EURAMET. New Rules of Procedure were approved in connection with the implementation of projects under EPM, and the National Metrological Institution of Georgia was admitted as a member of EURAMET and Ukraine was admitted as an applicant member.

During the plenary session, a representative of GUM gave a presentation on the development of our institution with particular emphasis on the construction of the Laboratory Campus in Kielce.


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