The 17th EURAMET General Assembly
The 17th EURAMET General Assembly was held from 30 May to 1 June 2023, in which a representative of the Central Office of Measures participated.
During the meeting, several important decisions were taken, such as approval of the revised rules of the organisation (Byelaws) and operating procedures (Rules of Procedure), approval of a 50 % increase in the membership fee, acceptance of financial reports. During the meeting, new authorities of the organization were elected - the Chairperson (Dr. Dolores del Campo from Spain), members of the Board of Directors (representatives of Italy, Switzerland, Portugal) and the Chairs of Technical Committees. During the plenary session, the participants got acquainted with reports on the work of EURAMET Technical Committees and reports on the work of other metrological organisations. The discussion focused on issues related to the development of metrology, its application in the face of growing societal challenges, such as climate change and energy transformation, health care, artificial intelligence and modern industry.
The next EURAMET General Assembly meeting will take place in early June 2024 in London.