3rd meeting of the WELMEC e.V. Committee behind us
On May 11-13 this year, with the participation of a representative of GUM, the 3rd meeting of the WELMEC e.V. Committee (European Cooperation in the Field of Legal Metrology) took place.
During the meeting, a number of issues related to the functioning of the organization were discussed, concerning both strictly metrological and financial issues, WELMEC leadership and broadly understood administrative issues.
During the meeting, the current chairman, a representative of the Czech Republic, Mr. Pavel Klenovsky was elected for another term of office, and a resolution condemning the aggression by Russia and Belarus towards Ukraine and suspending cooperation with metrological institutions from these countries was adopted. The chairman of WELMEC presented a report on the organization's work. Moreover, the participants of the meeting got acquainted with reports on the work of working groups and presentations on the work of other international metrology organizations. An important part of the meeting was the approval of the financial report and approval of the membership fee for 2023.
According to the adopted resolution, the next meeting of the WELMEC Committee will be held on 3-5 May 2023 in Braunschweig.