European Partnership on Metrology – Central Office of Measures on behalf of himself and on behalf of EURAMET encourages to register as an expert
EURAMET (the European Association of National Metrology Insitutes, responsible for realization of Partnership on Metrology) would like to increase the number of potential referees and therefore is looking for new candidates to take part in the process of evaluation of the projects submitted under the annual Calls for proposals in the frame of Partnership on Metrology.
In particular we would like to encourage to register persons with expertise covering the Call 2022 for the following metrology areas:
– Health
– Integrated European Metrology
– Digital Transformation
– Normative
– Research Potential
(the scopes of each metrology area are available on the website:
An expert may be a representative of a university, research institute, industry, etc.
Criteria to be met by a candidate expert:
- To have at least four years relevant experience
- To be prepared to work in English
- To be independent of EURAMET, National Metrology Institutes and Designated Institutes.
The candidate shoud be eligible – this means that they cannot be a partners in current or recent EMPIR or Partnership projects.
The main tasks of referees are:
- Individual preliminary assessment, according to the evaluation criteria, project proposal/proposals on the basis of the provided documentation;
- Formulate question, comments to discuss during the Review Conference;
- Taking part in Review Conference during which representatives of consortia present their projects and answer questions from experts;
- Taking part in the meeting of experts during which a single final evaluation of each project is produced and a ranking list is compiled. This list is then submitted to EURAMET MSU.
During the evaluation process each referee acts in a personal capacity and not represent any organisation, national interest or other entity.
Referees taking part in evaluation process are paid expenses and an honorarium on the same scale as evaluators for Horizon Europe projects.
EURAMET is looking for a good balance between male and female experts and would like to increase the number of female referees.
Further information is available on the website:
Guide 8: Registering as a Referee for EMPIR
Guide 6: Evaluating EMPIR Projects
Form 6a: Code of Conduct and Declaration
Form 6b: Payment to Referees
Candidates are asking to register on the website:
Poland (Central Office of Measures and Polish Designated Institutes) is one of the members of European Partnership on Metrology. Partners in the projects realized in the frame of this programme could be, in addition to National Metrology Institutes and Designated Institutes, also universities, research institutes, industry.
The process of choosing the projects for funding consist of two stages. During the first stage anyone could submit the topics for potential projects that would address their problems, needs or challanges connected with metrology. After closing the first stage, the members of Partnership Committee acting in Science Sub-committee and Capability Building Sub-committee make a preliminary selection of research topics as a basis for future projects. The lists of selected topics are then published. In the second stage the consortia submit project proposals. After closing of the second stage they are evaluated by independent experts during Review Conference (before the Conference all referees read the documentation available to them).
The three evaluation criteria for project proposals are:
- Excellence
- Impact
- The quality and efficiency of the implementation
During the Partnership on Metrology annual calls the following areas are foreseen: Green Deal, Integrated European Metrology, Health, Industry, Fundamental, Digital Transformation, Normative, Research Potential.
You are encouraged to distribute this information to other potential referees in the wider scientific and industrial communities.
Contact in GUM: Joanna Przybylska, e-mail: